Monday, November 13, 2023

I had a thought ~~

 what if????  So I did and it worked out nicely,

My customer decided on the Woven quilt and it can be a bit -- shall we say? -- of a pain.  One block in the wrong direction and you are messed up.

I downloaded the "image" of the quilt,

enlarged it in Word and ran it off.  Then I numbered each row.

I cut all the fabric, counting them as I went along (you don't want to see that sheet of paper) and then I sewed the blocks together.  The white/grey were first because that is strip piecing and it goes quickly.
I counted out all the blocks for rows 2-9 and then numbered them.  No more cutting of that fabric and it was set aside.
Then I cut the "buckle" blocks and put them in order.  
As I worked along, I folded the run off copy of the quilt at the row I was working on, so the blocks were in the right direction according to the design.  It's a beggar to "reverse" stitch a quilt when the whole quilt is put together.  I kept another copy at the sewing machine in case from the ironing board to the machine I forgot how it was to go together.  
An afternoon of sewing and I had the final 6 rows put together.  Having the pattern enlarged and at hand was perfect for me.  I should have thought of this years ago.


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