Friday, November 10, 2023

This year ~~

 for Remembrance Day, I'm honouring Mr. Jim Gibb.  A kind, honourable man that served our country during World War 2.

He was our neighbour before he moved away to a retirement home with his wife of 68 years, Margaret.  

When he left to serve overseas he told his Mom "I'll see you in a year."  5 years later he came home.  Jim never missed a service at our Cenotaph along with a few other men they were given a place of honour while the Cadets from the different corps in Oakville laid wreaths.

Jim was very proud to return to the Netherlands on a regular basis to celebrate Liberation Day.  A day the Canadians saved the Dutch people from starvation.  A time the Dutch have never forgotten.  

He had the honour to meet the Queen of the Netherlands, Queen Beatrix and he said he would never wash his hand again after she shook his hand.  He was so proud.  
But we were prouder!!  We lived near him and we had more than one opportunity to thank him for his service.  5 long years as an artillery gunner.

Once again Thank you Jim.  Thank you to all that serve our country.  We are so proud of each and every one of you.
Our house is very quiet on Remembrance Day.  Karl and I turn on the television and watch the service from Ottawa at the National War Memorial
We have been to Ottawa a lot.  We have visited the War Memorial and paid our respects.  
And yes, I was the mother on the street who hauled her kids in to watch the service because back then kids had the day off.  
Someday I will tell you stories of what a young child lived through in Denmark during World War 11

I am going to challenge all of you to pick up this book.  Buy it, find it in your library or borrow from a friend.  This writer captivates me like few ever have.  The book, sorry you have to read it yourself to find out.  I will say this, there are pages that are gut wrenching but pages that all of us have to read to appreciate what we have in this country.

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