Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Here's an idea

 I always have fabric left over and with Christmas coming I thought why not give this a try.

I cut strips of fabric 2" wide by about 10" long.  I laid my ruler down on them to see if I had enough strips.

Strip piece them together.  It goes faster.

Give it a good pressing 
If you have a rotating cutting mat I suggest you get it out and use it.
Lay your block on the mat and then decide if you want to cut a 45 or 60*.  Lay the ruler on one of the seams and cut off all four sides of the block.

I like to use fusible fleece inside instead of regular batting.  It is made by Pellon and available pretty much at all quilt shops.  Lindley General Store does carry it. 
Fuse the front to the fleece, trim away any excess fleece and lay your backing on top.  I don't do binding on small things, so I sew the backing, leaving an opening for turning.

Sew around the sides -- yes, all four of them -- trim the corners -- and turn right side out.  Voila!! A quick easy gift.
The other option is to just lay the top fabric and after sewing the strips together just cut it square
 Follow the directions for making the "degree" coaster BUT you are going to make the corners round.  I used a pill container and my disappearing marker.  Work quickly, it disappears.  Don't stop to take photos!!
I just used my regular foot set at 1/4"
Turn right side out and you have this
Add a mug, maybe a package of hot chocolate, some marshmallows, a few chocolate chips and you have a nice little gift.
Sorry, my little people's mugs have found new homes.  My kids took them!!
Here you go. 
One is left straight,
one is 45 degree angle
and one is 60 degree.  



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