lovely cozy chair with a beautiful quilt over it, that I sit in each afternoon while Karl has his rest. I grab a book or my Kobo and read!! It's quiet time for us. My latest book was another by Genevieve Graham, a wonderful Canadian author.
The story line is about two families, one Jewish, one Protestant who lived across the road from each other in Toronto. Two families that always got along until a riot that broke out at Christie Pits and divided good friends. I didn't know a thing about this and one reason was I hadn't been born and being educated outside of Ontario, I didn't learn about it. I'll be honest -- it's heartbreaking!
I didn't buy a physical copy of this book. I downloaded it on my Kobo so I didn't have to use my reading lamp at nighttime. So worth it!
The story of young men who go to war, some come home, others don't. Those that came home have suffered from watching their friends die or who were captured and survived in POW camps in Japan. Horrific conditions that you cry about while reading. While Canada treated German POW's fairly our men were not. They were mistreated and believe me, I'm not getting into details. It is horrific what humanity does to another.
If you love Canadian history in particular, these books are worth the read. Genevieve Graham takes history and writes about it beautifully. I highly recommend her books.....all of the ones I have read have been fantastic.I am leaving you with this quote today from the Dalai Lama:
Be kind whenever possible.
It is always possible!