Wednesday, May 26, 2021

A couple of things....may 26

 that may make your life easier.

I design almost all my own quilts.  I print them off and then get to work.  

This quilt has squares cut at 6 1/2" and when all the cutting was done I put them up on the flannel wall more or less using the design.

Once I'm happy with the layout I take a photo and run it off through the computer.
As I take off each row I clip the squares together and stack them with row one to the last row.  I pick up each row and start to stitch 
making sure it is right by keeping my eye on the print off right at eye level at my machine

As each row is completed I hang them over my television in the room, placing that same clip on the end of the row.
The odd rows get the clip at one end, the even rows at the other end.  This is the direction I will be pressing the seams, so when it comes time to sew the rows together, the seams will nest well against each other.
One more step before I take them down is to add the number to the row.  I just write them out on whatever is handy and clip them.  It save a lot of "reverse stitching" when you are sewing 42" rows
Karl lays down in the afternoon for a couple of hours and that is when I do my stitching.  In that length of time the top was together.  I don't know why those few blocks look tan because they aren't.  Maybe things will improve with the final photos.
and tomorrow. it is all finished.......

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