Thursday, February 20, 2020

On the first day of......

I know it's the last word you want to hear, so I didn't type it.
It was time to get this box off the cutting table and what was inside into the storage tote box.  You can only move one box so many times and this guy's time was up!
This was a freebie from Buttermilk Basin and I first posted about it here:
Gail (of Hobby Horse fame), taught us years ago, to put batting or another fabric behind your embroidery so you couldn't see the knots or the "travelling stitches".  I opted to use batting this time and I did trim away the excess on the back so only part of it will be double batting.
 For some reason I had two gingerbread men.  I think it was because I didn't like one of the blocks. I decided the extra block at the bottom would have my label on it instead of having two ginger bread.
Then I changed my mind.  I sang 12 days of Christmas -- to myself -- and then thought......ah-ha there is no .....
I used a template to mark the oval shape, stitched on the line and then again inside the line, and then once around the inside of the seam using my walking foot edge as a guide
and then she was done!!
  It's all done.  Rolled up and waiting for December.  Another one off the stack.

That's it for February.  I'll have a post for March 3rd and work my way through until March 19th.  Then back at it on March 31st.  I thought it was April 1st and was kind of glad it wasn't.  You might think I was pulling your leg.

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