Tuesday, January 14, 2020

How do I start????

In this box
 were very simple embroidered blocks all done within a few nights of watching Hallmark Christmas movies
 They needed trimmimg which I did one afternoon while Karl napped.  They had started off at 7 1/2" and I cut them back to 7".  I had this fabulous fabric from before Christmas that I just knew would work, so I hung it on the flannel wall with the blocks.
 There are 3 fabrics used in this little wallhanging.  All from the "stash bin".
 After I was very happy with how these all turned out, I gathered them up, put them back in the bag and into the box.  I wasn't going to break the promise to myself to take a break from the sewing room.
I ran a copy of the one pictures off and designed the quilting.  I decided I'm going to use the walking foot on my Mega Quilter instead of loading this on the long arm.  I thought of stitch in the ditch, but
you really have to concentrate on that, so I will use the walking foot as my guide and it can follow  the "ridge" from the join.  Then inside that stitching and while I do that I'll incorporate the oval shape doubled.

The pattern was a freebie for 12 days from Buttermilk Basin.  It was supposed to be applique -- at least I think so -- but I never did find out.  I kept checking back for the final instructions and never found any.  I like to do my "own thing" anyway.

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