Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The annual ornament

I searched on line and found nothing!  Well, not quite true, I found something but the directions were not as well written as I need.  I'm a visual person.  Show me and I'll have it for life.  Write it and I'll loose it in a minute.
I found a box in the sewing room and inside was a bag.  Inside the bag were ornaments I had started and then set aside.  Simple as can be and I made them in an evening.  You make yo-yo's!  What is easier than cutting out circles, folding the edge over, stitching it down and then giving the thread a yank!  Not much.
Add a beautiful snowflake, (I bought them through The Stockade in Guelph, Ontario) and a red button -- bought who knows where because they were in the button box.
The fabric has been around for a while.  The writing on it says -- "over the river, and through the woods"  and more of the lines from that old song.

One more gift to make and I'm done for these season.......maybe

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