Tuesday, November 26, 2019

When you don't have as much

fabric as you think you do, plans change.  I don't have the original design for this quilt but it really doesn't matter anyway.  After I cut the squares I discovered I didn't have quite as much fabric as I thought I did.
I continued to cut and then went into EQ and redesigned.  I came up with this and actually liked it much better than the original.
I started to make some blocks and put them on the flannel wall and there it sat.  I had a baby quilt ready so I did that up.  Then I decided to make a couple of Christmas gifts.  Was I procrastinating???
 Along came a rainy Saturday -- which is also laundry day at our house -- so I opted to go downstairs and get busy.  By lunchtime I had all the blocks sewn together and then did the rows after lunch.
 While I was down I figured I may as well get the backing made
This fabric that has been moved from one place to another for three years is finally used!!  It isn't a massive quilt, but someone will get some great use out of it.
Right now it is on a hanger waiting for the day I have nothing to do.  Christmas is coming and I am busy

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