Every once in awhile, something appears in my cross stitch searches that just says “keep me”! So I do because one day I will sit down and stitch it out.
Such was the case of this pretty little snow globe. It was free for the download. I am not one who follows all the directions. I have been known to do my own thing — often.
Here is the link to her website in case you would like to do your own thing with your own choices of threads. https://thestitchdesigner.com/ Look around there are a few things there.
I sat for a couple of evenings and stitched it out. I used my colours and less snowflakes
And then it sat here until one day while working away an idea came to mind. I picked up the last remaining blue Aida cloth and started to stitch. I liked the looks of this and then my mind really went into overdrive. If I did this and then did that I hoped I would have something that was totally different.
The day I planned to work on this we lost power for over two hours so we sat here! Our hydro crew worked hard in nasty weather to get us back up and running and I headed downstairs to sew.
I threw the washing in and headed to my favourite chair after I did a bit of machine sewing. A bit of hand stitching and it was done. I used the little bit of crackle fabric I had leftover for the borders and binding and one of my favourite fabrics that just fit the back.