Monday, January 30, 2023

We all have our

favourite designers and our favourite fabric manufacturers.  I have loved Maywood Studio from Portland, Oregon, since I worked in the quilt shop many years ago.  I love the feel of their fabrics.  Moda comes next and then if I really want I'll go with Northcott.  I'm not into batiks.  Tried them, not my style.  

I have my favourite designers too.  Hannah Dale of Wrendale is my top one for anything for children.  I love her drawings.  This line was called Bramble Patch and if you are lucky it is still around.  I just bought the last panel from Lindley General Store.  I have no idea who else may carry it.  

The panel started out as this.  Really, if you wanted just trim, and quilt, but no, I had other plans!!

Cut out the centre and make a tote bag for Mom when she had the baby.  Backfired!!  It's a boy!!  Not a girl.  I was so sure it was a girl.  I would have bet money on it!  

So seeing as I had already cut it up, I went further.  I added to it.  I bought some lovely pink and added strips into it.

I added a border, and then I had a decision to make.  What panto???  I found bunnies but they looked "odd", I found another bunny but I didn't like that either, so I went with

Daisy Bounce

There are daisies on the panel so it worked out.  I also used a variegated pink thread which is something I rarely do.  That worked too.
Here you go.  Hot off the long arm, ready for binding.

I'll give you a daisy a day, dear.......I'll give you a daisy a day.......I'll love you until the rivers run still....
with a pieced backing.  The rest of the print fabric I'm turning into a tote bag for the quilt.  For now the quilt will be in the sewing room so I can look at it every time I go downstairs.
and it's bound and ready for hanging.  I have the spot picked out, so I should just get it done.

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