Friday, August 14, 2020

More for the kiddies

I'm still working on getting those kits made up.  The weather has been cooperating because no one should be working outside in this heat.  With humidity a lot of days it has felt well over 100*F and that is hot.
It starts like this
 then onto the flannel wall
 then you get to spend a little bit of time at the sewing machine
 then the long arm.  Dill thread from King Tut and Geometric from Anne Bright Designs.  The fabrics are all from Northcott, the batting, of course, is Hobbs 80/20.
the backing to finish up the Zoometrics fabric.....almost
 and the front.  An easy design.  It measures 38" x about 38", give or take a 1/4"
 I have to admit this was hard to photograph.  I had to do it in the early morning because by lunch you didn't go out the door.
This is our one and only sunflower this year.  Some little creature planted the seed in my urn.  Give it a bit of time, the seeds in the centre will ripen and the birds will love it.  It's close to the deck so we will be very quiet and enjoy.
This is my last post until after Labour Day.
I'm taking some time off because my knees have been incredibly bad and standing for long periods is getting difficult.
I'm going to pretend I'm vacationing in Prince Edward Island.
Have a great two weeks.
Take time for yourself.

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