Thursday, October 17, 2019

Winter fun block 2

This block is for the winter fun of ice skating.  We were asked to tell our story of ice skating but I can't figure out how to do that on the website.
Way back in my youth, our young neighbour and I decided to walk over about 6 blocks to the outdoor skating rink.  We got there, went in the building, put our skates on and went outside to skate.  All of sudden everything went black.  The street lights were out, the lights in the building were out and the lights over the ice were out.  We looked around at the houses and no lights were on
Poor little Michelle was so afraid.  We went back in the building, and found our boots, changed and started to walk home in the pitch black.  We held onto each other all the way.  I think I was probably about 10 when all this happened and Michelle was much younger.  Her Mom was sure thrilled to see her arrive safe and sound.  The red "arrow" was my house and we had walked to Dixie Park.
We never skated indoors in Lachine.  Our dads built us rinks in our backyards or we went all the way to an outdoor rink which were plentiful back then.
Here's my block.
I selected blues and greys for this one.
 I sampled the fabrics on EQ first
 This block was like number one, it took very little time to put together
 There are a lot of ways to make HST, and I used my favourite.  These were the left-overs and I trimmed them back to 3 1/2 x 3 1/2".  I have plans for them.  
You are spoiled you know.
Here's the link for block number two.  Enjoy

I thought I better let you know that these two blocks will be all I'm doing.  I cannot for the life of me understand the thinking behind these blocks.  This week's is a reminder of hot chocolate.  I just can't grasp the relationship between this block and hot chocolate.  These blocks IMHO are just blocks, nothing more.
I did run the pattern off, but I think it's headed to recycle and the fabric will be put to better use.
Sorry.  If you are enjoying it, continue.  
I'm just not getting it.

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