Wednesday, August 28, 2019

It kind of looks

like Wednesday is my posting day for the time being.  Karl has had terrible asthma attacks this summer and until the weather breaks we are indoors trying our best to cope with it
This is a cute little quilt I started last week in the height of wicked heat and humidity.  Which by the way I abhor!
I had a lot of 2 1/2" squares cut and did use some up on one quilt.  The pile didn't go down very much so I went looking.  I found a little baby quilt that called for Mini Charms but as I had my own.......
The Fat Quarter Shop has the pattern and it's free.  Here you go: click on this link.....
then on the left hand side of the page go right to the bottom and click on Free Quilt Patterns.  Once there
 Once there click on  and it will take you to the downloadable pattern.

I had the white fabric in my stash so I followed the cutting directions and set it all aside.
As my squares were already cut, I decided one evening to just sit and pin them together.  I laid them out on my cutting board and listened to tv while I did them.
Karl went to the barber shop the next morning and I ran to the grocery store and got our milk.  Why is this house always out of milk???? My house looked really neat and tidy so I went downstairs and worked away until lunchtime.  Strip piecing saves a lot of time and a lot of thread.
Number one section done!
 Three sections done and on the flannel wall.
And done!  Strip piecing all the way.  My borders are different than the pattern.  The heat made me do it.  99*F with the humidity.  It finally got to me.

All the while I work on a quilt I think about the thread and the pantograph.  The thread choice was easy, the pantograph not so much.

Life got in the way.  Decisions got in the way so this quilt isn't finished yet.
I'm set to go now so watch for it.

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