Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Last month I dug

out a lot of patterns and vowed to try everyone.  The first I messed up but I was determined.
Well, this pattern wasn't going to work for the task at hand.  The quilts for the NICU measure 39 x 63 or as close as I can get them to that measurement.  54 x 62 was the smallest version of Boxtrot
I decided to re-design the project.  I had three pieces of fabric from the Northcott line of fabric called You had me at Meow, so I worked around the three I had because I honestly was not buying anymore.....if I could find it.
I ran off all the instructions for cutting and took an afternoon to cut each block and then keep it with the page.
 Of course, once you get the fabric cut, you have to make at least one block!  Well, maybe just do one more..........nah, do them all, get it done.
Well, why not just make one row!!  Shoot I had miscalculated the math on the long section.
I had a solution for that.  It came to me just as I was falling asleep that night.  Make all the blocks and then trim the longest section so the piece measured 39" in length.  It should work.
Well, by crackie it did work.  Sometimes, luck is with you......
The wind was blowing the day I completed this..........of course it was........it's spring and besides a lot of rain we've had wind.
Watch for the finish.  I have the pantograph chosen and the thread.  I'm doing four more for the hospital and then they will have enough for each unit and a couple of spares.   

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