Tuesday, April 2, 2019

I'm having an

Springtime means renovations in our house
We lost the seal in our kitchen window this winter 
so a new one is coming and it is completely 
different than this one.  I will actually be able to reach the locks
and the crank to open it without using a ladder.
Well, I'm only 5' so anything above my arm's length is unreachable.
 Our painter, Ron, has been hired to finish painting the interior.
Both the den 
and the master bedroom are being done.
That leaves everything nice and fresh and to our liking.
We are going light because dark and I don't get along
Before all this happens we need to take things down off the walls,
pack them away and have the rooms ready.
Our son is coming the 9th to paint our master closet and 
while he is here, grandson #2 and I will work on getting the den ready.
It should take the better part of the month to get this all done
and with all this going on, we also have Easter.
We have been invited out but not on that week-end.  
Some of the family have to work.  That's life.  We got over it years ago.

I will be here when I'm here.  I just can't promise anymore than that.

Oh would you like to know the colours of the rooms?
They are both the same.  
The colour is called "Feather Down" and it's from Benjamin Moore
The trim will be the same as the dining room
cause we have lots of that left
Bleeker Beige

I may get work done inside, I may not.  I may get to the sewing room, I may not.
It depends on how much I want to watch the painters work.

I'll post pictures of everything when all is done.

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