Friday, August 10, 2018


I am all caught up.  I decided to trace the July block and fuse it to the fabrics and then cut the pieces out while I waited for Karl when he was in the clinic.

While Buddy and him had their afternoon nap -- a storm woke me up and they slept through it -- I fused the pieces to the background fabric.

I have to say this is not my favourite block.  My colours are dull and I could have zipped it up some more, but when I put the buttons on maybe it will appeal to me just a little bit more.  I do like the blue tree for some reason and I'm hoping to find some buttons that are a burgundy colour.  I tried silver but they were kind of lacklustre against the background.  I know I can find the yellow stars and hopefully they will be the right size.

I can't put anything on the blocks until it is quilted.

So with July's block done and August's block done
which I have no complaints with, I am now all caught up.

Bring on September!!

This was our Rose of Sharon one day while I was inspecting the yard.  A lot of the blooms had fallen off but it was still pretty spectacular.
Some things have done beautifully this summer, others not so much and it's been a struggle to keep them alive.  
It seems some critter has found our tomato plants, little rascal!!

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