Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Got it right.......


I had an email from Martingale
and in that email
was a link to their free patterns.
The one I thought I would download
I left there.
It didn't appeal to me because it was
a whole lot of paper piecing.
I really, really liked one
so simple to make
I read the pattern
and then I cut the fat quarters
Not both of them
just the one
It said:
cut the cream 2 1/2"
and the darker fabric
1 strip 5 1/2"
1 strip 3 1/2"
sew them together and then cut
which I did
then I went to sew them together a.n.d
something was wrong, wrong, wrong

they didn't butt up against each other.

I read the pattern again, and again and I tried again. 
It just wasn't registering and then
 that little wee light bulb came on.
Good grief, charlie brown, you cut the cream wrong!!!!
Do you not know what 2 1/2" is?????
Obviously not
Back to the cutting table to recut

and lo and behold, the almost perfect block

This is a freebie from Martingale.  You can use your scraps
which I'm doing
I'll cut two quilts at once, but I will cut paying a bit more attention.
I will cut this one and my blocks and strips quilt.  
Should keep me out of trouble for a few days.
I didn't quite follow their cutting instructions.  
Instead of cutting 42"lengths I only used 20" because I'm using up 
my fat quarters 
I find, if I sew long lengths like that they tend to go "wavy".
20" is much easier to manage.
If you are using W.O.F.
1.  Cut your lengths to a manageable size.  I use 20" - 22".

2.  Lay them all together on your ironing board.....I stack mine, press the fold away. 

3.  Take them back to your cutting mat and trim all the pieces to the same length.

4.  Pin together and stitch them.  Trim down to the size given on the pattern.  In this case 2 1/2".

The quilt is called Buttercream Twist
and you can find it here

If you haven't registered with Martingale you will have to do that first. 
There are some cute patterns on the site so take a moment and look around.

We are now into our rainy season.  November is dull, grey, rainy, and just downright miserable.  The best part of any day is curling up under a quilt and having a day long snooze.  Misty set the tone last Saturday and Karl and I both ended up joining her.  There will be more of this in our house while we weather the month I'm glad only has 30 days

Today is someone's birthday.
Don't know what we are doing as we had planned a drive away, but guess what it's raining!  

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