A new product on the market (well, I think its new) was recommended to me. It is called Transfer-Eze and the blurb on the packaging says it is "the easiest, fastest way to transfer designs for embroidery, applique, machine and hand quilting, punchneedle and more."
Well, I bought it and I've tried it and here is what I think. It is easy, it is fast. Lay your pattern on your scanner bed, and print it off on the Transfer-Eze. It came out well. I did two to a page, to save me money. It is always my bottom line.
Then, you take the backing off. That came away very easily and I was impressed with that part of it.
Now I hit a snag. I am doing hand embroidery, using the steam stitch and I'm having trouble. This product is very, very sticky. My needle keeps gumming up and I have to keep stopping to clean it off. Now I'm not so impressed. What should have taken me one evening, is now into two. It could be three. (I'm writing this up on Thursday night). I don't think it has anything to do with the fact that I'm using polycotton as I didn't have any problems with my other two blocks. And another thing, I had to use my thimble. It was the only way to get my needle through after it gummed up. I'll keep a bottle of alcohol close by next time.
Once I had my whales embroidered it was time to move on to the coral and the lines across the bottom. Here I used the back stitch and well, it was wonderful. In and out, with no problems whatsoever. It was an amazing difference.
Then it was time to remove the transfer. It says to trim away the excess and I did in one spot and then thought............nuts. Lets just try soaking it in cold water (after the dummy had run the hot water and had to dump it down the drain.)
There is no residue, no stickiness.
Will I use it again? Probably. I will struggle through the stem stitch just to see this happen again. There are many things I like about it. I didn't have to trace, which saved me some time. I don't have to worry about staying right on the lines and I could eliminate what I didn't want...........like the snake that was suppose to be on the bottom of this one. I still have some colouring to do on this which won't be so easy now that it is embroidered, but I'll fudge with it and it will be fine.
Oh and to be honest, my backstitch was much much better using this product. I have no idea why...........possibly because I had to go in and out and couldn't cheat like I usually do.