My little group years ago sat for a day for a few weeks and made quilts for the victims of Hurricane Katrina. The girl that was researching the collection of quilts came back and told us "they don't want anymore". They had collected so many they didn't know what to do with them all. Then we heard they were in boxes in warehouses and that made us stop and realize our efforts would be put to better use at home. We donated all the quilts locally to a woman's shelter. This is one reason I didn't donate to the drive for quilts for Japan. I had other reasons too, but they are personal, so I'll keep that to myself.
I asked my friends on my quilting forum if any of them had heard what we can do for the people in Alabama. One girl (Mary Ann) suggested I read a blog that had posted about collecting quilts. Then Lynda found several that you could donate to. Now without ruffling any feathers I will tell you now that I do not give to the Red Cross. I have my reasons. No, I'm not going to tell you. Another was the Salvation Army.
Several years ago I was out collecting for the Salvation Army. I knocked on Mr. Stone's door ( a neighbour) and the response was immediate. Then came the stories of how good these people were to him during the war. The cheque was large as now it was time for him to give back. I'm taking Lynda's link and I'm sending what I can afford in their efforts to help the folks in the south.
It always amazes me how we rally round when there is devastation in far flung regions of the world, but when its close to home, we hold back. Why? The need is just as great for the people of North America as it is for the peoples of foreign countries. Yes, we are considered rich nations, but right now the people that are facing the days ahead with no homes, no food and have lost everything................including the pictures of their children (think about that for a second or two) are having just as tough a time as those that lost their possessions in other corners of the world.
I have never, ever lived through a flood, a hurricane, a tornado ~~ only the odd thunderstorm. I have no idea the kind of fear these people must have felt as their homes were ripped away while they huddled trying to find safety. My heart goes out to all of the victims and to those that are volunteering to help. As the "Sally Ann" says.................................."God Bless".