artist extraordinaire, came over and we dyed fabric with Kool-Aid! Yes with Kool-Aid. Its not only for dyeing hair or wool.
When you use Kool Aid its non toxic, so you could actually use it ~~ IMHO ~~ for dyeing fabric for baby quilts. I have purchased the Kool-Aid, cherry, strawberry, blueberry, grape, some green kind and orange. I am going to cut the fabric into fat quarters and what we are going to do with the fabric afterwards, I have no idea, but we'll come up with something.
Then I got these in the mail this patterns. They are Canadian and are from Black Eyed Susan Designs. I absolutely love clematis
and we also growing black eyed susans. I have them everywhere!!! What started as one little plant from the local nursery has grown into several large plants that are now in different flower beds around the house.
These are both raw edge applique, which I must admit I have never done before, but have always wanted to. I remember going to a Caryl Bayer Fallert exhibition in Burlington, Ontario and seeing one of her works that told me someday I was going to do it. The day has arrived.
Unfortunately, the weather changed our plans. We had snow, snow and more snow on Saturday night, so Morgan is coming over this Friday and staying overnight. We are taking her brother out for dinner first on Friday night as he will turn 16 this year. I remember that day well and bet his Mom and Dad do too. When I called to ask which restaurant, he asked if we could go for fish and chips. This boy l-o-v-e-s fish.