I have a few blogs that I follow..............there are a few I follow religiously and some I just pop over to once in awhile. These are the three I have chosen to award.
May I have a drum roll please? ------------
Jennifer of Bronze Wombat. I have written about this blog before but this time I just want Jennifer to know how much I really enjoy going to visit. Jennifer writes about her life in Australia and her wonderful collection of wombats and her quilting. I would love to see Australia, but I know it will never happen so I live it through Jennifer. Thank you. I love your blog.
My second nomination is for Bunny at The Creative Hare. Surprisingly enough Bunny just lives in the next city. I was posting pictures of my town on my blog and Bunny wrote and told me "I think I live close to you". Its a small, small world. I enjoy reading Bunny's blog and reading what's happening right next door.
I am also nominating Tracy and her blog Fiber Babble. I have "known" Tracy for awhile as we are both on the same quilting forum. Tracy, I'm sure, writes the way she speaks. When I read her column its like we are both in the same room having a wonderful conversation. Humourous, definitely; straight to the point, definitely. My kind of person.
If you are looking for my Liebster Blog Award on the right side bar. Its gone...............I've passed it on.