Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Blue skies shining on me and you

The rain finally left for a bit
 and I had a stack of tops to quilt.  I gave in and went down and did them.
I don't recall ever having as much trouble picking a pantograph for a quilt as I did this one.  I finally settled on this one.
I knew which thread
and I had just changed the needle in the machine so all was going to go well.
The front.....
and although I didn't think so, I did have a backing in storage.
Stick around because this one is finished up now

Interesting facts about hedgehogs:
They are not native to N. America
They have between 5000-7000 quills
Unlike porcupine quills, hedgehog spikes are not barbed and they are not poisonous
The inside of the quills are mostly hollow, with a series of complex air chambers that make them light and strong.
Hedgehogs got their name from their preferred habitat -- garden hedges - and the pig-like grunts they make.
A group of hedgehogs is called an "array"

Thanks to Mental Floss for the information about this really cute little creature.

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