Tuesday, January 16, 2018

and here is my book

I popped into Staples and found this scrapbook which will suit me fine.  I wanted something with a coil instead of a bound book so I would actually have the book flat at the end of the year.  I've tried the other type and after 15 pictures it just wasn't working and I gave up.  I only paid about $6.00 for it.

I made a cover page on Word and then made it sort of fancy.  Well, fancy for me.

I found an app for my phone called Pic-Collage
and I snap some photos with my phone and then play!  You don't have to have a phone to do this.  You can do it on a tablet and it can be a Mac or anything Microsoft.  Check out the link.  It is not for a desktop.  For that I use a programme called Fotor Photo Editor.  Sorry, no link from me for that one.

 I am also saving beside each picture the panto I used on it.  It helps if I want to check back and see where I used it.  How it stitched out and what it looks like.  I do make notes in another book about the pantographs because some of them are fabulous and then there are those.......
Just a little thing for you to think about before the year gets away on you.  Yes, I save things on a file in my computer, but if that fails.........

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