Thursday, January 11, 2018

And then I made......

My apologies.  I thought this would automatically load and it didn't!!!  Shame on me for not checking.  Well, you have a whole weekend to read it.

number two on the list
yes, I am keeping the list in my computer and crossing each one off in order.

These are the fabrics that were left over from Linda's quilt.  I really didn't want to donate them, and I didn't want to just toss them as some one else had paid for them.  As you can see there was quite a bit.
The long piece on the left in photo one is the backing or inside of the pillow and the pillow top is on the right.
 Dang, it wasn't long enough so I had to pull a piece from my "collection"
 I used the same pantograph and the same thread.  There are advantages to doing things right away.  You remember what you have done.
I popped the backing on the long arm first and then -- a first for me -- I laid the front down and kept on going.  No puckers, no fold overs.  It worked out beautifully.
 This is Daisy Bounce and it is fabulous on flannel.
 This is the pretty much the whole piece laying on a roller bar.  Front, and back

 and then the inside!
and here it is already to give to Paul to give to his Mom. 

Karl and I were both working in the sewing room.  He was switching out a light switch and I was working on the long arm.  We turned around and there he was. Yes, that is my ironing board!!!
Sir Thomas! 
No idea where his brother was.

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