Tuesday, April 13, 2010

THE quilt

I designed this quilt on EQ and once you work with the programme a couple of times it does get easier.  I always print off  the layout of the finished quilt.   
I then, print off the fabric requirements. They give you how many to cut and the yardage requirements.  You will notice I have tinkered a bit with what they wrote.  I ordered this fabric from Hancock's and they do it in half yard increments.  "Tis fun", I tell you.  Then of course, I ordered extra in case of a goof-up.  Better to be safe than sorry.

Due to the fact I'm a titch lazy, I print off everything!  The corner blocks and the main blocks and the side triangles. 
Each page not only gives you a "photo" of the area you will be cutting, but also the cutting instructions.  These blocks are being done with the rotary cutter, but they also give the paper piecing if that is your desire.  Marvellous programme.

If you click on each photo, they will enlarge and you will be able to read them.  I promise you!

Once I have everything printed off, I sit and do some thinking.  I need 36 -- 8" blocks of the main fabric.  How best to cut it?  I cut 8" x W.O.F. and then sub-cut 8" squares.  Simple.  How much fabric?  Well, how many can I get across.  I base it on 40" wide fabric because that is the easiest number to work with.  Ah-ha, I'll get 5........oh, simple math I love it!  I need 36 according to the directions.  (Glad I figured this out a day or two ago because as I write this I can't for the life of me work it out. Must be the time of day.)
I need to cut 8 rows. 

I continue with each and every print out and then start to cut.  I put a new blade in the rotary cutter and start with the easiest.  In this case it is the 8" x 8" blocks.  Once they are all done, I set them with the print out on my big table.  I do this for all of them with all of the pieces together.

Any and all notes I make I write on the paper that goes with that particular block, corner stone or side triangle.  Then if I have to refer to it, I know where it is.  I keep everything together on my table where I know I will be able to find it.  Once I have finished with the instruction sheet I put it in a sleeve with the full quilt picture and the yardage sheet.
Tomorrow starting to sew.....................................

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