The light blue and dark blue fabrics in these blocks were to be cut -- according to EQ 5 13/16" -- not too ruddy likely! I moved it up to 5 7/8". Some would suggest going to the six and cutting it down to size once it is all complete, but that's not me. I just follow the directions and don't change the cutting instructions. I may just have an attack of angst if I do!
When I sew the side triangles to the blocks I sew one side and then the other. I pinch the centre of the block and the centre of the triangle and match them up and pin securely. Then I move outwards -- carefully -- and continue to pin. These little ones I only used 3 straight pins on them.
Once both sides are done and I do chain piecing on them to move things along a bit faster, I take them to my ironing board. Well, not quite an ironing board....................more like an ironing ?????? --block? I have this almost antique iron that has taken more than one licking and works like a charm.
It is a GE and was given to us for a wedding gift 45 years ago this September. No steam, just good solid heat. I press the seams to set the stitches and then open them up giving them a really good press.
TIP: If the two points of the triangles meet in the centre of the block your triangles are centred.
Opposite sides first and then the other two sides. When all triangles are sewn on, the block will look like this.
The corner triangles were really easy. Here we go, with odd sized cutting instructions, so I upped it just a wee bit.
Cut the corner block 3 1/8" x 3 1/8". No way, Joe. I cut them 3 1/4" x 3 1/4". The side triangles were cut 5" square and then cut twice on the diagonal.
Two other little tips for those of you that have the automatic thread cutter. Take three to four stitches past the end of the sewing before you cut the thread. I've had strip piecing unravel when I've cut right at the end of the line of sewing. I also use my full size foot when sewing and move the needle over. I found on my old sewing machine that the 1/4" foot does not rest properly on the feed dogs.
It is slowly taking shape. Another couple of days of sewing and I may have the centre of the top done. Today two firends are coming over and we are sewing together. My quilt is tucked away for the day but I'll get back to it over the weekend.