Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Okay, let's do it!!

Each posting below will have the quilt design and then the cutting instructions.  They are all fast and easy. I cannot do a PDF as my computer does not have that capability.  Backings will be dealt with at the end.

1.  This quilt you can do with a variety of widths.  It depends on what you have in your stash.  I'm going to list them.

2 1/2" x 36".............................18 strips
3 1/2" x 36".............................12 strips
4 1/2" x 36".............................  9 strips
5 1/2" x 36".............................  7 strips
6 1/2" x 36".............................  6 strips
I don't recommend anything wider than 6 1/2" cut.

I'm sure most of you have an idea how to do this, but for those that don't, here you go.

Sew the strips together in sets of two.........first and second strip, then third and fourth, then fifth and sixth, etc.
Then sew first two to next two.  Sew those to the next set, etc..  Press all seams in the same direction. 
When you have the front sewn to the back, stitch in the ditch and then at least once lengthwise.  I highly recommend that you sew around the entire perimeter of all of these designs.

TIP:  When sewing the front to the back avoid leaving an opening at the start or the end of a seam.  On this quilt I would leave the seam opened on either the top or the bottom.

This one is really easy and you can use more than two fabrics. You cut your blocks 12 1/2" x 12 1/2"  Sew your blocks together and then in rows. 
When you have the front sewn to the back, once again stitch in the ditch. 

These are 18 12/" x 18 1/2".  These could be cut from fat quarters. 
Two and two, nothing is easier.  How would I quilt it?  In the ditch and then down the centers of each block and then across the centers.  I find using my walking foot works best when sewing them together.

Here are a few more ideas. 
This one I had a focal fabric for and kept adding borders until I reached the size I wanted. 

The four patch is 9 1/2" x 9 1/2" and the other blocks are cut 18 1/2".  I have tried to avoid borders whenever I could.  Sometimes it is unavoidable.
I tried cutting the backings before I assembled everything so that I could sit at the sewing machine and just sew.  Sometimes it work, sometimes it didn't.  What a pain!!!  I decided to make the top and then measure it.  I measured in both directions and then cut the backing to fit.  I found on a couple of occasions I was short of fabric due to it being cut poorly from the supplier.  I just trimmed the top to fit.
Once you have your backing and top made, lay the front on the backing RIGHT SIDES TOGETHER. Then I pinned!  Sew around the entire perimeter leaving an opening for turning.  Once turned press.  I found if I sewed around the perimeter first it was much easier when it came time to stitch in the ditch.  I used my walking foot when I did this. 
You can use a contrasting thread or a co-ordinating one.  It really doesn't matter.  Remember that thread can add weight.  I used it just enough so that the "over" quilts would hold their shape.

Oakville Quilt Guild members have permission to print off these instructions.  They will be available for a long time.  To view in the future, look at the right hand side............see where it says labels......read down until you find HAITI and click on that.  Anything pertaining to Haiti will come up.

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