Once you have the entire quilt top put together, take it to the ironing board and press all the seams in the same direction. Don't stop to press in between. It takes extra time.
When I had the top put together and the seams pressed I took it to the cutting mat and measured it both ways. Because I suffer from "OMG, I can't remember!" I wrote down the numbers on my little black board. Then I cut the backing. I found this was actually a better way to do it than pre-cutting the backing.
I had a yard of fabric, or at least I thought I did, but when I straightened it up, I discovered I was short
1 1/2" on both ends. I trimmed the front to make them fit.
Don't forget to leave an opening for turning. When you have it turned right side out, the first thing I did was sew around the entire perimeter of the quilt. Then I sewed in both directions. I used my walking foot so that all layers would feed through at the same time.
This is it. The finished quilt.
Rounded corners and guess, just guess who donated the fabric for the centre of the quilt.
These quilts are very fast and easy to do. Perfect for hot weather.