Wednesday, December 9, 2020

The farmer is having problems

 with arthritis in his back.  The pillow in his recliner isn't large enough for him so I ordered one from The Bay that is 26" x 26".  It was on sale for something like $22.00.
 I had finished his little quilt 
with Mountain High for the pantograph and OMNI-V 9136 thread
I took the left over fabric and made a pillow top and the backing that will have a zipper -- if all goes well.
I used the same pantograph for the front, but opted to change to Mittens for the back.  Same thread for this one too.
A few minutes downstairs, the zipper was sewn in, the pillow was sewn together and I.AM.DONE!!  Anything I do from now on is a bonus.
Put them together
Happy Christmas to the farmer

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