Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Backyard Visitors

It took 24 hours to find a name for this little quilt.  I could come up with nothing until I woke up early and started to think.
I have loved this fabric from the first time I saw it on Lindley General Store's website.  No, you won't find it there, I bought it all.  It is called Magic of Christmas from Northcott Fabrics.
It took several tries on EQ to come up with a design.  I was going to use two shades of blue, but blue is not one of those colours I have a lot of.  So I dug through the stash and voila!!  C'est bon!! 
Our daily visitors include a multitude of birds.
We have red squirrels, grey squirrels and that phenomenon -- black squirrels which apparently are not seen that much in other parts of the world.
We also have a chipmunk who is very shy, a bunny rabbit who can hop away at break neck speed.
When I did this I hadn't designed it this way.  It was going the other way hence
the sleeve is wrong.  It won't matter at the end of the day.  No one will see it.
The pantograph is Woven from Urban Elementz
and the thread is King Tut 
I'm going to buy some hooks and hang this in the stairwell to my room.  
All God's creatures got a place in our backyard.

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