Tuesday, April 23, 2019


Can you believe the house was all completed in one week.
This was a top priority.  The kitchen window had to be replaced.  The seal was gone and all we saw was fog.
We phoned a local company -- because you know I love to shop local -- and Rick came over and measured.  Then he told me......don't call me for six weeks.  He told me that when we got the new patio doors too.
Six weeks and one day later he called 
and said
"Would you like your window installed on Monday?"
Do ducks swim?
Do birds fly?
Does Bev quilt?
I didn't say no.
When they came, I grabbed the cats 
who were less than pleased
and went downstairs.
I came back up for two minutes to snap some photos and
 found a massive hole in the wall

 This is an awning window and I can reach the handle!!
It cranks open from the bottom 
and I can reach one of the locks and
just have to walk around the counter to get to the other one.
I no longer need my step stool
 There is nothing down the middle of the window.
It feels so big and gives us so much light into the kitchen
and it's right over my sink.
I absolutely love it 
and thank Mary for recommending it the year we bought our patio doors.
Mary is Rick's wife and they own a LOCAL 
company called The Door Centre.
That was reno #1!
Stay tuned.

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