Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Stash buster 2

This fabric was going come heck or high water.  Of course, having said that I had to order more background fabric from Lindley General Store up in Collingwood.  I used up what I had in stock first though.

This is the main block of the quilt.  I was fiddling on EQ and this is what I came up with.  It measures 10" x 10" when finished.
These were not my fabrics.

These are and the selection was inspired by this quilt
 by this quilt
You will need 15 of them to make a quilt 39" x 63".
I also did sashing and cornerstones and a border.
I changed things up from the original design and went with different fabrics.
I have so much of the cream left-over, I opted to save it for another stash buster quilt
I used a soft blue for the sashing and a darker blue for the cornerstones.  More out of that box and used up.
Here are the cutting instructions for the sashings, cornerstones and borders.  Notice I did the top and bottom first.
Done.  It took me a day to put this together.  I did a lot of strip piecing to make it go faster.
Ready to sew
 And done!!  Now to head over to the long arm..........
 Oh yeah, my Buddy was with me.  Tucked up in his bed, out of the way.

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