Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Well, it doesn't happen often

but unfortunately, with this quilt it did.
I just could not get my head around the final block.  When I read the directions it said it was a door.  I honestly thought it was a giant skinny Santa decked out with lights.  I knew I had to fix it.
So.......I put on my thinking cap and this was the start.
 and then I thought.....why not make that a door handle so I turned the gold thing the other way.  I found a button to sew on or glue on when the top is quilted.

This was the original that was given to us.
This is my version
I have had three pieces of fabric in my stash for a few years.  I walked into The Village Square quilt shop and there it was, just waiting for me and the right project.  The two prints are called Merry Taupe by Lecien Fabrics.  If you google it, you can still find it around.
The fabric in the centre is from Windham Fabrics and is called Atlas.  No idea where I bought it or how long I have had it.  I only shop at three stores, so it would be a process of elimination and I'm not going to do it.
Here you go
It's ready for the long arm.
I have the pantograph chosen and the thread.
My final measurement is 53 x 65, slightly larger than the original.

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