Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Meet the Designer

We walk into a fabric shop, spot the perfect fabric, take it home and cut it up and make our masterpiece.

BUT, do we ever stop to think about the hours of work a designer puts into that line of fabric.  Do we even think about the designer or the company she/he designs for.

Let's meet another designer.  Her name is Shelly Comiskey and she designs for Henry Glass Fabrics

I knew as soon as I opened up her website, why I love what she does.  Look at that mouse.  He is huggable!

(I did write and ask permission to use this)

Now let's meet Shelly

Shelly is also on Facebook.  Check her out by searching Simply Shelly Designs

The fabric line was available through Henry Glass Fabrics.  A long established company in the industry.  Their fabric is fabulous quality which is something we all love to work with.  Here is the story:

and if you like free patterns.......look no further

I have a little tip for you.

When I sew flannel fabrics together I use my walking foot.  I find on a rare occasion that when I sew with my regular foot they don't join as well.  This way both layers of fabric just seem to glide through the machine.

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