Quilts of Valour
what are they?
who are they for?
why me?
When we talk about Remembrance Day in Canada, most of us think of World War One and World War Two.
We forget the other conflicts where our men and women have served.
Our service people come home and remember every day.
Our service people come home and remember every day.
Memories are not always the best ones.
We can help them in a small way.
I'm going to direct you first to the Canadian Quilts of Valour website.
Locally, the new quilt shop is helping us to honour our men and women.
The ladies that meet there have been cutting the Northcott line of fabric for the Canadian
Quilts of Valour.
They have made up kits for
They are available for $5 + tax at the store
or if you would like from a guild or stitch and chat group
for $5.00 only
The $5.00 is to cover the cost of the kit and the remainder of the money will be forwarded to
Quilts of Valour
The store is located in Burlington, Ontario