Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The last stitch

has been taken
 in what I'm now calling my "Eternity Quilt".  Three girls started this quilt around 2008.  We downloaded the patterns from the internet and were suppose to do 10 blocks per month until it was done.  We were dreaming!
It is ~~ well, suppose to be Sylvia's Bridal Sampler, from Jennifer Chiaverini.  There were mistakes in the patterns which aggravated me something fierce.  I opted to change them out for paper piecing.  What was I thinking.
This was suppose to be my project for last summer and I put it back in the bag, time and time again.  This summer.....the summer of challenges....was the one.  I would sit on the patio in the afternoons~~I started in late July~~and remove the paper.  What a chore.
I lost count of how many days I worked on it, but one Sunday afternoon, I told Karl this is it!  I'm not moving until I'm done.  On August the 24th, I hung it on the line and snapped this photo.
Then of course, you have borders to put on.  I purchased a brown/pink fabric and as I already had some border fabrics from the brown cut, I got to work.  It took me 3 days to put them on.  I would measure and cut and sew down 2 sides.  By the last few rows I was needing help with holding it up while I pinned it, so I used two ironing boards close together to take the weight.
The final row, I decided to re-enforce the stitching at both ends of the seams, regardless of whether it was a join in the border pieces or the start and ending of the "rows".  I really don't want any seams coming apart at this stage of the game.
The top is together!  All 84" x 84" of it...or something like that.
I have a backing on a bolt, but it is only 90" x 90" so I have to add to it.  I decided to find the wedding invitation and some photos and I'm sliding them into the backing.  I think horizontally at the moment, but we'll see.  I even have the label done!  One more challenge quilt but that's way off in the future.  Time to start something fresh.

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