Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Quilt #3

This turned out to be a real challenge.  What I had in mind and what worked out were two different things.  It would also help if I could do math!
My original plan was to take 2 1/2" squares....9 of them.....and sew them to a blue strip 2 1/2" x 20".  Then for the next row....2 1/2" squares........7 of them......and sew them to a blue strip 2 1/2" wide.  I was going to use 3 different blues and alternate the rows.  I had 8 done, placed them on the wall and stood there stunned.  It looked terrible......great in my mind, but just not looking good with the actual work.  I had to do some fast thinking.  That didn't happen, so I walked away for the day.
 I thought perhaps this might work......nope.  Didn't like it.

I tried again with a different dark blue.......not cutting it either. 
 I tried all of these and then....
 I spotted this on the table and wow!  Time to redesign this quilt

 and this is it.  I saved it.

As usual, I took it outside in the natural light once it was all sewn together.  The breeze was blowing again....... in the front yard........
and in the backyard

but I did get one photo

I need to grow so I can take photos up closer~~~or perhaps, just put them at my height, which is close to the ground ~~  so I don't have so far to fall.
The backing is purchased.  I found this great flannel over at the Quilt Junction that will work beautifully with it.
My next challenge is to make a quilt that is gender neutral.  I'm thinking maybe greys and whites.  We'll see.

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