Wednesday, September 3, 2014

I set myself some challenges

this summer and by george, I'm meeting them!!  More about this quilt tomorrow......
When the top was all completed I dug out the pattern and checked to make sure I had all the facial features marked properly.
Then for sentimental reasons, I took the patterns out and took another gander through them.

I bought this many years ago.....quite possibly 12!.....and the entire set was all together.  It was a block of the month offered by the store I once worked in.  I noticed there was a notation on one of the packs that said I paid for it on October year though.

My boss was thorough.  Every piece of fabric, in every kit was identified by a little label and when I took it off I snipped a piece of fabric to leave with it!  I did this throughout.  Wow, was I organized!
I had forgotten all about different things with this pattern.  It wasn't reversed and there was no layout but it was simple and easy to do.  
The very last month there was 5 pages of bonus projects.  I may go back and do some of them.  They are really cute...........especially the one that is for friends.  A nice gift for someone, perhaps for a birthday sometime in December..........I have a few of those!

The final page ~~ stars!  
These are going to be my patterns for a baby quilt that needs machine quilted.  So glad I took an hour to go back through and look at everything.  
And yes, this pattern came from Australia.  Those gals from there that read this, will recognize the word "chook" right away.  Not a word we use in Canada or the United States.  According to the Urban Dictionary it's a slang word for chicken.  
I knew that, but then I have a lot of Australian friends for which I'm grateful.

****DON'T FORGET......The September block from Fat Cat is now posted.*****

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