Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Having a little fun

This has been floating around on Facebook, so thought I would share with my friends that aren't there with me.
10 Things Not to say to an Artist or Crafter....which is all of us

10.  I'll just get y friend to make me one of those.......
                okey dokey you just do that.  Be prepared for their answer

9.  You know what you should make......
                no, you go ahead and tell me.

8.  Do I get a price break if I buy two?...........
                not today.  The specials were yesterday

7.  I can make that myself..........
                go ahead, take the time and do it.

6.  Why does it cost so much?.......
                well, let me explain.....fabric is $16.95m, there are 10 metres, there is batting, there is              
                 thread.....wait, wait, don't walk away, there is more

5.  How do you make this?.......
                with a sewing machine.

4.  Will you donate your artwork to our event?  We can't pay you, but it will be great exposure.......
                 not this year.  I've donated to "my" cause already.

3.  My nine-year-old makes this kind of stuff too........
                  yes I bet she/he does

2.  Kids this is what happens if you don't go to college............
                  I strongly suggest you walk away now lady.

1.  I can buy that at Walmart for $3.99...............
                  go ahead......come see me when it falls apart.

You can put your own answers in.

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