I went in search of information on reindeers and discovered that both male and female grow antlers, so I'm pretty safe in calling her Pamela.
Block #2 is done, so today I can download block #3 and get working on it. The second block was pretty darn easy. I traced it one night while we watched tv and then fused it, so I could sit through another mindless show and cut it out. You can tell I'm not much into television. I'm really waiting for lovely weather so we can sit outside in the evenings and read, sew, knit, gab.................
I have forgotten to mention that if you don't have one, a great idea is to keep a pressing cloth on or near your ironing board.
This is a piece of poly cotton I've had on hand for awhile. It's about 1/2 metre and this time I didn't rip it in half. Karl made my ironing board on top of a cabinet that has a drawer with a handle. When you select your fabric for a pressing cloth, do a "run test" on it. You don't want to be steaming your fusible web down with a fabric that bleeds. Mine is a soft yellow........I don't recommend reds, greens, blues, etc. Keep it neutral.
That's where I hang it ~ visible ~~ so I remember to use it
I sandwiched my block on my light table onto my appliqué pressing sheet. Take that to the board and press it down. ......... . from both sides.
All finished. These really are cute.
I didn't have a solid thread for the antlers so I used a variegated I found in my box. It worked out just fine
Sharon has her block done too. I asked her to bring it along to Stitch and Chat last Friday so I could snap a photo
I have my fabrics chosen for this month. The red is the scarf and the turquoise fabrics will be the jacket. I'm really waiting for the Christmas lights block.......you know there is going to be some lime green in there somewhere.