these are the easiest things you will make ~~~little coasters for goblets.
I found the idea here:
but I didn't have any honeycombs in my stash. I went searching the internet for free honeycomb templates and couldn't find any. Then somehow I found out these are really regular polygons. Who'd a thunk it? Not I. Math was not my strong suit in school and I've never even heard of a polygon.
I downloaded an image and working magic with Word on the computer I had a pattern.
The first one was too big... me anyway. Very summery, but it just wasn't right. I went back and resized the polygon and tried again. I wanted summery for these so dug into my stash of lime greens. I had forgotten about these fabrics from the pot holders I made last year.
I don't drink alcohol or wine. The occasional beer on a humid, hot, hazy summer day but that is it. I love ginger ale so I pour that into the glass with a wedge of lemon and a swizzle stick and then possibly look a titch elegant.
I'm not getting into the instructions on here but I will admit to this..............
I'll give you the pattern I used for the coaster so you don't have to fiddle and fool looking for one that fits.
If you want to pre-cut your fabric into smaller bits you will need 4 pieces measuring about 6" x 5".
I ran my pattern off on card stock and cut all four
layers at the same time.
TIP:......Lay all your fabrics, stacked together, on your ironing board. Press without moving the fabrics at all. Life them all together, take to your cutting mat and the heat from the pressing will help to hold them together long enough to cut through the layers.
Oh, dear, I see some matching placemats coming to go with these.....
the planning is going well.........
really, really well......