I decided this year to donate something other than pillowcases. They cost a lot to make....about $16 each without the thread and time included in that. As this is the year of frugality I'm giving
I checked with Ronald McDonald house and they will be happy to receive them.
Here is number one. This fabric has been on the corner of the cutting table for a long time. It was intended for a bib, but the people I was making it for didn't want bibs. Something about a choking hazard!!!! Really???? Okay.
I took a really good look at the fabric and saw a helicopter! The other emergency vehicles looked too time consuming and intricate. I went on line and found this one.
It was on this website:
I made a tracing pattern (reversed the photo) and then set to work. It turned out great IMHO. I didn't make an orange helicopter because in Ontario that is the colour of the helicopters that transport patients in emergency situations. Being is hospital is bad enough, being reminded every time you see it would be worse.
It was on this website:

I fused it to the orange fabric, stitched around it, then sandwiched and quilted it. It didn't take long, it's only little.
Now want to see the other one destined for the pile????
This was my fabric selection. It's been around for a bit
I traced out the penguin that Fat Cat had for the month of February.......the one for the mug rug.
I used the same fabrics as I'm using for the quilt and did the tracing, cutting, fusing and all the stitching in an afternoon. I didn't have enough of either of the fabrics for the binding, so I went into my black and white drawer and found the polka dot.
The front
This was my fabric selection. It's been around for a bit
I traced out the penguin that Fat Cat had for the month of February.......the one for the mug rug.
I used the same fabrics as I'm using for the quilt and did the tracing, cutting, fusing and all the stitching in an afternoon. I didn't have enough of either of the fabrics for the binding, so I went into my black and white drawer and found the polka dot.
The front
and the back
Next week, two more and then I'm caught up for placemats. I'll try to post two at a time.