I had this selected for the binding, but the best laid plans of mice and men.......
I wanted to try marking my first stitching line with a carpenter's chalk line. This little task is best done with two people, but I managed it by myself. Karl has one in his workshop with bright blue chalk in it.
He told me that you can get different colour chalk and I will when I buy one for the sewing room.It is easy to use. Unwind the cord that is coated in chalk. I laid one end on Karl's work bench and held it in place with something heavy. I took the toggle to the other corner, held on to it and then snapped the cord. It worked perfectly. By the way, Karl did a test and it does wash away.
I stitched on this line and then moved my needle over and kept going until all the lines were sewn.
I finished it up later in the day.......straight stitching is boring......and as the green fabric was buried and I did a teen-ager thing of walking into the room and saying "I can't find it", I pulled out the pink and it worked well.
I rounded off the corners this time and made bias binding. I don't do that fancy stuff of continuous binding......I use my 45* angle on a straight edge of the fabric and continue to cut strips until I have enough. Then I sew them together.
the back and
the geraniums blooming in the sewing room window.
a snow impression. It doesn't seem to take much to leave the impression of the quilting in soft, fluffy snow.