Wednesday, March 19, 2014


At stitch and chat last month, Margaret brought in a quilt.  Not just any quilt, one that is very, very special made by a very, very special lady.

In the fall of 1977 Rosemary circulated a letter asking if anyone was interested in forming a guild.  To make a long story short, a guild was formed that year and the first meeting was held at Queen Elizabeth Park High School, here in Oakville.
Many ladies from Oakville are members of that Guild and one of the ladies in our stitch and chat group was there the first night they met.
Margaret acquired this quilt and has had it in her home for a long time.  She decided that it needed a new home.......The Oakville Museum.
I took a few photos of the quilt as Margaret told us her story about the quilt.  I don't remember it now, but it did belong to a friend of hers at one time.  Take a look at Rosemary's beautiful hand quilting.....
 Isn't this backing fantastic????  It was a poly cotton.  
 and here it is.
A beautiful hand appliquéd quilt.

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