Thursday, February 20, 2014

Remember this one????

Hello Moon

It came down off the wall awhile ago with the binding strips all cut, and then it was put aside.

This was one of 3, I sandwiched one Saturday and then I finally went downstairs and stitched it together.  Our basement is rather cold at the moment so I don't stay too long at one time.
However, as I got closer and closer to the finish I kept at it one morning
until it was finished.
I get to sit upstairs and do the binding.  That takes me about an hour at the machine and then an evening in front of the television.  
I decided the backing needed something, so I gave it a moon and a star ~~ leftover flannel from another project.

I took these shots outdoors in the fresh snow in the backyard.  When I lifted the quilt off the snow, I was surprised to see an impression of it looking back at me.  You can actually see one of the stars I did in the border.  Of course, there is a cone from the sequoia tree on the ground.  They are everywhere in our yard.

I did simple quilting in the body of the quilt.  Cross hatching in the sashings and straight stitching around the block.
The border I opted to do free motion.  Just a whole lot of meandering and the occasional moon and star.
I had the perfect blue thread in my Connected Threads, thread box.  Still no new thread purchased.

One more off that dreaded pile.  More and more and more to go.


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