Thursday, January 30, 2014

Stitch and chat

was interesting this month.

Margaret brought in two quilts to donate to our Museum.  She had purchased both of them about 30 years ago for around $80.  She has no idea of the history of either of them.

This first quilt is thought to be from the very late 1800's.  There was one tiny little tear in the turkey red fabric but other than that it was in perfect condition.

Take a look at the stitching on this quilt.  This quilt was made to be used......not to go into a showplace or put on display.  

This is the back of the quilt.  It wasn't a heavy quilt, but stack it on a bed with others and you would be warm.

The second quilt may be from the 30's.  

 Marg has spent time looking over this quilt and could not find one centre in one circle that didn't meet smack dab in the middle.  Every single one of them was perfect.  The entire quilt was hand stitched.

Look at the blanket stitch around the edge of this circle and it was the same on all of them.

I took this photo so you could not only see her perfectly mitered corner, but she brought the backing fabric around to the front and use it as the binding.  
This quilt too was light.  We think there may be just a light weight sheet inside between the top and the back.

A few years ago Marg's house was gutted by fire, but these two quilts survived along with a few other possessions.  Not a mark on either of them.

Well, that's the month of January over and done!  One full month and I didn't buy even a fat eighth of fabric.  I'm so proud of myself.  Not a spool of thread either.  

Don't forget Saturday is February 1st.   The first block of the month from Fat Cat will be available.  Who will be the first one finished????  AND by the way, Sindi is asking all of us to vote for her.  She has entered a competition at FedEx for a small business grant.

Please help her out by clicking on this link and voting............every day..........until February 23rd.

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