That question gets asked a lot when you are on Facebook from different companies. I think they are all hoping you say their products!
My #1 is my digital camera. It is a simple little thing made by Canon......a Powershot that Karl bought me a few years ago to replace the one I had. Something similar to this one.
If I'm really not sure about my fabric selections, I just take a photo and give it a good look. So far it hasn't failed me.
I lay everything together on my work table and without the aid of the flash, snap my photo.
I use an overhead light shining down so the use of a flash really isn't necessary.
Item number two is something I took from my Dad's drafting table after he passed away. Finding something small enough to make a circle can be tough sometimes.
This is made by Staedtler and you can buy them in Office Supply Stores. I know that Staples in Canada carry them.
Here's a link so you can see the variety that are available.
Then there is my chop stick! I keep one in my jar on my cutting table (so I can always find it) and one in my travel case for stitch and chat day.
This is the best purchase and not expensive! You can buy them in the $$ store. That blunt end is perfect for pushing out the corners after turning them. Love it! Can never have enough of them.
And last.......what every stitcher needs.......the reverse stitcher!
I have so many of these I've lost count! Why? Because I put them down, forget where I leave them and can't find them again when I need them. These are the "cheapies"
I buy three or four of them every time I see them. This is one thing in the sewing line I don't spend a lot of money on. I don't think they are a $1 each. I get them at Len's Mill Store in Ontario, but check your independent quilt shop. They probably carry them too.
We have our tree up, the lights are up outside and slowly between the baking binges, I'm getting my side of the decorations up. While Karl was decorating the tree, we talked about the different ornaments we have. Some of them are 48 years old this year and I remember the day we bought them. Then there is this one.
A few years ago we travelled to Newfoundland to visit our best friends. One day we took a drive around "The Irish Loop" and stopped in Ferryland. There was a little gift shop and I saw this amongst the vast array of wonderful items.
It's one of our new treasures we have purchased over the past couple of years. This decoration is this year's treasure. I bought it at the One of a Kind show that is held in Toronto every year before Christmas. (There is a spring show too.)
Not only can you buy them at the show, but there is a website.
They are made here in Ontario.
The show is all about artisans and being Canadian. Nothing from China at this show.