Wednesday, November 20, 2013

It was a learning day

Stitch and chat was on the second Friday of November and boy did we learn.  Margery taught the ladies in the group how to do the twisted log cabin block.  We are making this into a signature quilt and when it's all done, we are donating it to the Oakville Museum.
  One of the gals just took it from there and made more blocks.  Ursula needs a baby quilt for a friend so this was perfect timing.

We moved on from there.  Conversation turned to disappearing nine patch and Margaret said:  "Let me show you a disappearing four patch."  I changed the name to sliced four patch so I can keep my head straight.
I had taken a charm pack with me, so those that had sewing machines sat down and made some

Easy peasy we are talking here.
Take four pieces of fabric.  They can be any size......5", 6", 7".... your decision.  Sew them together, like photo #1
 Then you slice.  Lay your ruler on the centre seam at the 1 1/4" marking and slice.  Do the other side of the seam.  That's one direction done.
Then you do the other seam.  Same thing, slice the block at the 1 1/4" line.  Then you get to play.
You can just turn the middle sections and the middle ones.

You can really twist if you want.  You can take the middle sections and move them all about!  (Just like the hokey-pokey.) It really is up to you, what you do!
A really great tutorial can be found here:
Want to see what the girls did?

 Then we made Wichtel.  These are the cutest little gnomes and I have a PDF for you.  the original pattern came from Germany, and fortunately, I have this wonderful friend named Ursula, who speaks the language. She kindly did all the translating for me.  I really love this friend!  These make great Christmas decorations or you can use them for place settings.  
These were done by Chris

Karen's little Wichtels
I would never have thought of using these fabrics.  Love them!
and a grand variety

You will need both these links.  
Should you decide to make these, do not add 1/4" seam allowance to the outside edge.  It is not necessary as this is not being joined to anything.

I have a challenge for all of you!!!!

The Quilt Corner

Morton Illinois
are collecting pillowcases for the folks who have suffered devastating losses from the recent tornadoes.  

I challenge each of my readers to make 2 pillowcases

and donate them to these folks.

Mail them directly to: 

The Quilt Corner

2037 S. Main Street
Morton, Illinois
United States

Remember we never know when it will be our turn.  Could be tomorrow, could be next week.  

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