There was a detergent on the market at the time and it was called "Duz". They claimed "Duz does everything". One of the words in my spelling test was "does". I bet the teacher even gave a sentence, but I had Duz stuck in my mind and that's what I put down on the paper. I didn't get 100% that week! Most unusual because I was a terrific speller........lousy at math, but I could spell.
Back to "dun".....I'm done!
I have all my pillowcases made and put away so no one will see them. Here they are in families ~~ meaning Andersen and Jay families.
Let's do it alphabetically so no feelings are hurt. Andersen family first. This is for Brandon who's bedroom is white, black and red.
and now we have a problem. I made two up out of this fabric and I have to make a decision. Which one for Kyle. Green is his favourite colour and I do like the band on the one to the left. It probably doesn't matter and whichever one is left will go in the box for Ronald McDonald house.
I don't think they will care very much.
Now onto the Jay family.
Let's do this one by age:
Morgan is getting this one. She picked the fabric and it's flannelette so it will be cosy.

Cody is getting black and white. I allowed Kristina and Taylor to select his fabric. I picked out one for the band. Fish bones in the black and white and when I spotted the cats on the shelf at the local quilt shop, I knew it had to be part of this case.

That's it. My Christmas sewing for my family is all done and it's two months until Christmas Eve.
I feel good.